Environmental Site Assessment & Remediation Solutions
The Environmental Consulting Division of Rogers & Callcott is dedicated to providing expert environmental site restoration and compliance solutions and helping clients determine and manage risk when buying or selling property. Our team of hydrogeologists, engineers, and chemists use an arsenal of investigative procedures and decades of field experience to detect and assess environmental impacts to soil and groundwater. We then develop practical, cost-effective solutions by implementing both innovative and traditional remediation technologies in a Lifecycle Design – a system of corrective measures and monitoring that is adaptable to changes that occur throughout the remediation process and within the regulatory framework.
We strive to find that balance between addressing the requirements of environmental risk management, compliance, and fiscal responsibility.
Environmental Due Diligence
Rogers & Callcott is committed to helping our clients manage environmental liability during property transactions through systematic investigative procedures to determine if a site has potential or existing environmental issues. Following ASTM standards, we will prepare a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) that includes file reviews, interviews, and a site visit to document past and present conditions of the site and surrounding area. Our due diligence measures also include reviewing existing environmental reports and documentation pertaining to the site and surrounding area and making recommendations based on our findings. When warranted, we will progress to a Phase II ESA, during which soil, sediment, water, and/or air may be sampled to investigate issues identified in the Phase I ESA or to provide additional data for liability management.

Regulated Waters
Part of understanding the environmental burden that might be taken on by a site’s prospective purchaser or developer is a knowledge of the site’s regulated water resources. To give our clients a clear picture of a site’s regulated waters, Rogers & Callcott will review available records and perform a site visit to assess the waters that are present, including a wetlands delineation. These waters may be subject to significant regulation under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. Thus, their presence on a property must be considered with regard to the intended use of the property in order to make sound decisions. Our wetlands delineators use detailed knowledge of plants, soils, and hydrology to identify wetlands and delineate their boundaries in accordance with official guidance from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers so that the Corps can quickly review and provide an official determination. Once that is done, informed site planning can proceed and Rogers & Callcott can help clients to select the appropriate permit, if required, and make a successful application.

Blighted properties such as abandoned industrial facilities, old gas stations, or dry cleaners are often overlooked for redevelopment due to environmental concerns, financing, and liability. Many still hold significant potential to thrive again, adding to community appeal or reinvigorating an entire area—with the right plan.
Brownfields are defined as real properties for which the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants. There are many Brownfields programs to mitigate these risks and facilitate redevelopment of a property, from managing environmental liability for new owners to assessment and cleanup grants.
Rogers & Callcott has deep experience in the Brownfields non-responsible party voluntary cleanup process as well as USEPA Brownfields grant preparation. We can help identify sites throughout South Carolina that would be good Brownfields candidates and then help procure grants, negotiate voluntary cleanup contracts, assess site conditions, and plan and conduct site monitoring and/or remediation as necessary. The end result is a win-win for both communities and investors. Click below to view an infographic that outlines the Brownfields process.

Environmental Site Assessment
We collect site-specific data and use data visualization tools, including geographic information system (GIS) mapping, to assess the presence (or absence) of environmental contaminants in soil, groundwater, surface water, sediment, and/or air. We then delineate the extent of the impact, both horizontally and vertically, using hydrogeologic studies and modeling to provide the basis for our remedial approach. Because we operate a nationally accredited Environmental Laboratory on-site, Rogers & Callcott scientists and engineers have rapid access to critical soil and water data and can make timely decisions to formulate strategic compliance solutions. Of course, not every site is a candidate for active remediation, and we often close projects following the initial assessment.

Site Remediation
Following site assessment and modeling, the clear picture of environmental impact can be addressed and contaminants reduced or eliminated. We employ methods that are custom-designed for our clients’ needs and each unique situation. We do not use cut-and-paste remediation and sampling plans to cut corners and save time. We provide in-situ and ex-situ treatments and work closely with clients to identify cost-effective solutions that might be as simple as using a single, traditional technology, or as advanced as combining a number of both traditional and innovative remedies, depending on site complexity. Our remediation technologies include in-situ chemical oxidation and reduction, enhanced in-situ bioremediation, pump and treat, excavation, soil vapor extraction, thermal desorption, and more.

Environmental Engineering
Our experienced team of environmental engineers and scientists offer turnkey environmental engineering services to efficiently resolve your site remediation and compliance needs. These environmental engineering services include complete remediation design and project planning, all permits to construct and operate remediation systems, and a full range of construction management services to handle all subcontractors as well as ongoing maintenance and service to keep remediation systems operating optimally. Our experience includes: